Our Focus areas

Scope of Work

DRA offers its services on the basis of unmet needs and where the urgency of the situation warrants it. The organization implements relevant projects based on its experience on the ground and owing to its status as a neutral and non-partisan community partner in south and Central Somalia in the following thematic areas:

Water & Sanitation

has technical knowledge and experience in the operation, maintenance and management of various gravity and pumped rural water supply systems including earth pans / dams, boreholes, shallow wells, rock and roof catchments, run-off tanks, river bed infiltration systems and direct river abstractions. The organization is familiar with Water and sanitation coordination system in the district and national level and various stakeholders that are pertinent of the success of the sector.

Emergency Response:

has undertaken emergency response planning and resource mobilization from private, institutional and international community and established Disaster response teams, setting up of operation centers and coordination mechanisms including Rapid Repair of boreholes, water trucking, hygiene and sanitation promotion and water treatment in water source and household level in emergencies. The organization has distributed NFIs/shelter, Emergency Food, Food for work, Seeds and Provision of Irrigation Pumps and hand tools.

Community Development:

has experience in community mobilization, civic education, advocacy and appraisal using participatory integrated development with a basket of participatory tools to assess potentials and problems and come up with a community action plan (CAP) and formulation of project proposals

Agriculture and Livelihoods

Development: is experienced in water conservation and run-off water harvesting for agriculture and livestock development such as construction of check dams/dykes for land flooding for crop production and ground recharging for increase of wells for vegetable production, Fodder production and Poultry Production.
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suffering and restoring dignity to the Somali people